Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Floods In Bangladesh

It is popularly believed that flood is a curse and it comes as a punishment when we sin against Allan. but excessive rainfall is the real cause of flood. In the rainy season it generally rains without break. Pools, canals and rivers are all filled up and can hold no more water. So it overflows the banks and stands on the ground. As a result fields and roads go under water to the great hardship of all. This is called flood.

Our Bangladesh is a plain, low land. Many rivers wind over her bosom. So floods visit our country almost every year. When the monsoon begins there is excessive rainfall. The rivers swell to an alarming extent. They overflow their bands and wash away the lands on both sides. The sudden melting of snow or the sudden visit of tidal waves makes the rivers overflow and causes floods. Again they overflow their banks, causes floods and damage crops. They send water in the villages and as a result, fields and road go under water.

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